I guess I dont
What you, see in me
When you look into my eyes
With that look
That longing look
That deep heart-jolt
Adoration, and when you say
Those things
Those things Ive heard before
Been given to me
Then lost their meaning
Stabbed into this heart
Those things I cant say myself
And yet you can,
I guess I dont
What you, see in me
Because when I look at myself
In un friendly mirror
When I look through my eyes
I just see a girl,
One body,
Just two eyes,
And just two lips
Lips incapable of forming those words
You so perfectly can
And eyes that have seen so much
Taken so much
And yet can cry
And not recognize their reflection
I guess I dont understand
What you see in me
How the world can be shaking
And you standing still
How you string together those words
And leave me to say nothing
How all I can do is smile
A fools smile,
Because what youre saying,
Those once stabbed words,
Your understanding,
What you see in me