Suicide is your fault

by KelseyinWonderland   Jul 18, 2007

I asked u if i was pretty, u said no.
i asked u if i was fat, u said of course.
i asked if u wanted to be with me forever, u said no.
i asked u if u would cry if i walked away, u said no.
i heard too much and it hurt me.
but this wasn't like a quote where u made everything better by saying that i wasn't pretty, i was beautiful, the only thing big or fat about me was my heart, and that u needed to be with me, and that u would die if i walked away. instead, u meant every word and watched me walk away with not a drop of remorse or pain. so i went home and replayed everything u said in my mind and realized that without u, i was nothing. and i killed myself as slowly as i could and as painfully as i could. because i would rather be the last person to hurt me because i would never give u the satsfaction of defeating me.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lets Keep it A Surprise

    It be honest love, I didn't find it satisfiying at all. I believe you could do alot better, and to me it was too...unoriginal like. But this is only my opinion.

  • 17 years ago

    by HollywoodSmile

    It was a good poem, but there wasnt really a flow to it. and wouldnt you give them the satisfaction of defeat, by commiting suicide? nice job.