You can't save me

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Jul 20, 2007

It wasn't meant to be like this
Wasn' mean to happen this way
I was meant to grow up
And be something some day

I couldn't control what was happening
Too much pain surrounded me
I was just a child fighting
For the hope to be free

So much anger
So many tears
Blood poured from my veins
Imaginary chains held in my fears

Now it's affecting me
Memories destroy the life I lead
The scars are everywhere
Even if now they don't bleed

My heart tries to take over
But my mind controls me
A past that hurts won't just go
And I can't make you see

So don't bother sitting down
Trying to talk things through
I'm not the person you think I am
And there's nothing you can do

You can try for hours
But there's nothing you can say
No words will heal the pain
Or make bad thoughts go away

Don't try and touch me
It only hurts what's inside
Just let me carry on
Being someone living a lie


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  • 17 years ago

    by Piece of Me

    Just thought i'd let you know that you have an amazing talent. you make the readers feel with your emotions its brilliant keep writting!

  • 17 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Beautiful sad... you write them within beautiful emotions... It is quickening to recognize someone as a good and decent human being, but it is indispensable to view yourself as acceptable. It is a delight to discover people who are worthy of respect, admiration, and love, but it is vital to believe yourself deserving of these things......anyway, wish you have a good day...take care.

  • 17 years ago

    by LovexMe

    I really like your poem.
    mind if i add it to my favourites?

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