Comments : Watching Your Pain (To all those who went through so much!)

  • I want to know
    The times you went
    And somehow
    To try to repent
    The darkness inside
    Holding you down
    You don't have to hide
    You don't need to frown

    ^my fav stanza.I love this poem.You're going on my fav authors list.5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by TwiztidJuggalette

    This poem was very good...

    The scars will heal
    If you're not in isolation
    So tell me how you feel
    About the situation

    ^That stanza made me feel like you actully cared about someone...There very lucky...

    Overall I loved this poem... I have been through a lot and this somehow brightened up my day...If that makes any sense at all....


  • 17 years ago

    by KeyxMashingxParody

    It made me cry. 5/5!

  • 17 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Great poem with a great dedication, you have showed that you are truly a great poet, keep it up and a 5/5 from me as you really deserve it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Debbie


    You've written this piece nicely. How touching. I liked how the person seemed so sincere and earnest with his/her concern for others. Certainly it struck a chord within me. I liked its contents; my pleasure to read it. :) Godspeed.

    Take care,

  • 17 years ago

    by CompletelyIncomplete

    Wow this is beautiful.The intensity of meaning in each line is very strong. Loved thi spiece for it had a nice flow and poetic power :)


  • 17 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Awww it's so sad. It reminds me of those rainy days and you look out the window and you only see your sad, lifeless refliction. -sigh- Oh well. It was good :P

    The flowing was excellent for this style. It just went from one line to the next brilliantly. The only thing I would suggest is to maybe make the stanzas all the same length. Unless that is what you were trying to do XD But it was still good. The idea is so unique, I love it. Keep it up. =) 5/5 xoxo


  • 17 years ago

    by luv Shelbz luv

    OMG!!! that is such a very deep poem i liked it a lot! I think it is quite inspiring and beautifully worded. Keep up the good writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by Loved In Hell

    This is full of your emotion and it seems sooo meaningful its a feeling that many people feel but u put it in your own words great job
    5/5 laura

  • 17 years ago

    by Cella Bella

    Such a beautiful poem. This was wonderful to read. Great flow and rhyme scheme. I really like the structure as well. 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    Well I like the use of repetition in this great poem, It flowed nicely, well done. I also like the message portrayed in this poem.

    Just a suggestion though.. To use punctuations :)

    Keep up the good work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    This reminded me of the beginning of the cat in the hat.. sorry :P

    okay the weakest parts of this was the fact that you rhymed with the same words and that some of your lines were really short...

    but other than that .. it was amazing

    you put a lot of emotion into this. the only suggestion i have is to lengthen some of your lines and change up your vocabulary

    i really liked this part:

    I want to know
    The times you went
    And somehow
    To try to repent

    Excellent Job


  • 17 years ago

    by ImNotPerfect20

    I thought this was very good.. very good imagary.. Very discriptive..

    I want to know
    The times you went
    And somehow
    To try to repent
    The darkness inside
    Holding you down
    You don't have to hide
    You don't need to frown
    This was my favorite part.. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by ECILA ice

    Very nice poem.. simple and common material were used yet you made it somehow unique in your sweet own ways.I love the sincerity of words spoken by a person with so much concern and care in here.rhyming scheme were okay, nice flow.

  • 17 years ago

    by Alissa

    This was good.
    Your emotion didn't exactly spill out, this kind of poem would do wonderfully with much more descriptive words. I say that, this poem...the meaning. It had so much more to offer, I suggest don't hold back. With this story, try to just let it spill, don't try to rhyme it. It would be wonderful to rhyme, yet...that is when lots of experience with words come in. This kind of poem should be non-rhyming. So you can get every single detail, ever single word in your heart and just say what you need to say.
    It was still wonderful, I loved the story.
    Great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by silvertung69

    Feel my poems & you'll read my pain.
    It's dark down here.but your welcom.