
by Bre Monique   Jul 21, 2007

Trying so hard to impress you
Got makeup on just to catch your eye
But I don't even get a glance
When I see you walking by

Trying to hide my broken heart
Between all the laughs
But deep down I'm wondering
How I lost what I never really had

I've waited forever for you
But you weren't waiting for me
How you broke my heart
You won't be able to see

Now you're nothing but a chapter of the past
Although I know I won't get over you
When all I ever asked
Is that you love me too

Maybe I was wrong
And you didn't like me from the start
But what hurts the most is
You don't even care that you broke my heart


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  • 17 years ago

    by BrokenVodkaBottle

    I no how that feels :(:( been there..

  • 17 years ago

    by LovexMe

    This is a great poem,
    i really felt what you were writing.
    read mine?

  • 17 years ago

    by The Undoing

    I voted 5 based on the power of your last line. I know where you are coming from on this one (minus the makeup) and you express yourself wonderfully.
    Keep it coming,