It was never wrong

by taryn   Jul 21, 2007

You left me and now I'm so alone
for me the sadness and pain is just so prone
your touch always felt so damn sweet
I pray about the next chance we'll get to meet
no on understands what we once had
with you was the only time I was glad
but now you're gone and that's final
so I better start getting out of this denial
anyone else just won't be the same
even though everyone sees us with such horror and shame
but for now we'll go our separate ways
I hope this time apart eventually pays
goodbye for now, I'll say so long
just remember what we had was never wrong


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  • 17 years ago

    by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight

    Once again beautful flow...i could feel the sadness in every word. brilliant job.


  • 17 years ago

    by Domino0792

    I enjoyed this poem. A great read... Keep up the great writting.