Comments : Weathering Emotions

  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Wow very unique loved the style 4.5 that rounds up to a 5 lol

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Wow, this piece has so powerful imagery, and the emotions are excellently described. I like it from the beginning to the end, every stanza is greatly written. The fourth stanza is my favorite.
    5/5 from me.

  • 17 years ago

    by Emma

    Nice job 5/5!:) keep up the work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Tracy D Rollings

    WOW that was very powerful and it blew my mind ,great poem, emotions running wild here , you mastered the weather channel wonderfully written , and wording , wow that was awesome , great job,,,, your friend Tracy d,,,,,, 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Lonely Little Dreamer

    Loved this one a lot too. It was definitely unique on how you used the weather metaphors describe heartache and I love the last stanza. I wrote something similar to this using weather as metaphors for something totally different. Its fun. Keep up the great work. Writing is definitely one of your skills.

  • 17 years ago

    by Christina Yap

    :-( I CAN RELATE! 5/5 Beautiful explanation. Even if one hasn't felt that way, they can understand

  • 17 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Wow, such a poem. wonderful choice of words i loved your poem indeed and how expressed your feelings out there

    no wonder you have the popularity

  • 16 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    Wow-I can feel the mist of those falling tears and think your free verse is great. I love it. Your emotions really shine here and the feelings that propel them selves into the reader are overwhelming. Thanks

  • 16 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Wonderful heartfelt write, I fully enjoyed reading this poem. I loved your choice of words, everything was flawless except for puncuation, I didn't see any puncuation anywhere. The flow and structre were both good as well. Overall a great write, keep it up!

    Peace, Joe

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Unique... Sherry, you always amaze me with your writes and this one amazed me tons... I love the way you incorporated weather with lostlove and it came out brilliantly....

    An ice storm hit today
    Turned your heart cold
    Unable to feel the warmth
    From the love I thought we shared


    Wow start.... The metaphors create the perfect atmosphere and how misunderstanding broke the relation that your love turned ignorant of the beautiful past you both shared...

    Fog came rolling in
    Clouding up my mind
    Leaving me confused
    Wondering what took place earlier today


    You were wonderous of the happening and confused hence and the metaphors just depicted it right.

    Hurricane Paul followed close by
    Just when I thought it was safe
    He blew everything apart
    Including my heart


    I love the mention of hurricane paul here and how you thought that all will turn normal but it turned ugly later to affect you emotionally and made you disheartened eventually.

    Tornados touched down
    Much bigger than any F5
    It is officially proclaimed
    I now suffer from heartache


    The initial 2 lines speak more like a news but the latter 2 made me think.over the initial ones as the meaning then changed to a metaphor... It shows how you state officially declared your heart break to all.

    The weather man made a mistake
    He called for sunshine today
    Instead the rain continues to fall
    Right from my eyes drop by drop


    What an end...!!! Your love then called for love again when you are still in the phase of lostlove and upset...

    I loved this badly and I am grateful to have read this... Keep writing Sherry... You have masterpieces to share...