Addicted (Bulimia)

by Ali   Jul 23, 2007

I have done it again
And commited my secret crime
When the guilt became too much
I did not dare waste time

I don't know how it started
I don't know how I got here
But I will keep on going
With the one thing I hold dear

I don't care about the dangers
I don't care that it brings pain
The only thing I worry about
Is the potential weight gain

It's a secret life of mine
My friends and family don't know
All they here from me are fibs
Because I cannot let Mia go

I am sorry that I hurt others
With all my secrets and lies
But, it's all my lips will speak
The truth, is written in my eyes

The bloodshot eyes reveal all
For they only cry these days
I always feel sad and pathetic
I wish I never became this way

Everything about me is disgusting now
My arms, my body, my face
Everytime a mirror greets me
I smirk at myself with distaste

My life revolves around Mia
She is the one that controls me
She turns me against myself and others
But tells me that I am free

But what kind of freedom is this?
Everyday my heart aches more
My head hurts, my body hurts
I'm always weak and sore

I've chased away those I love
For this sickness, this disease
Alone in darkness, Mia just smiles
Never again will I be at ease

Despite all that's happened
I can't let go
It's the only thing in my life now
Mia has all of the control


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  • 16 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    It's weird how you can read a poem, and it will only be a poem if you haven;t experienced it but when u do it's like words out of your mouth, a chapter in your life.. It's a disease that you can hide from others and that is I think the worst part because it goes on even longer as you are not the person in control anymore. I can totally feel your words especially the description of weak and sore.. it's like you don't want to but can't help it, and day after day you say no but it happens like a routine and you regret it and say it won't happen and it does and it just keeps doing, a cycle you cannot get out or you want to but don;t know how because you don;t know what you would do without it. Just realise and ask yourself who are you, Mia or are you, like actually you?? Why let "Mia" control your steering wheel? Look inside your heart, and not through your eyes; your answers will guide you to the right path, you're stronger than you think xx

  • 16 years ago

    by xxxStarSxxx

    "I don't know how it started
    I don't know how I got here
    But I will keep on going
    With the one thing I hold dear"
    ^^This is my favorite stanza.

    "Despite all that's happened
    I can't let go
    It's the only thing in my life now
    Mia has all of the control"
    ^^ beautiful way to wrap up this poem!

    The girl in the poem i so well thought out. I know you're probably going through this and I wish you luck. I know it's not easy. Just stay strong and find someone or something to believe in. It will help you. 5/5

    P.S. *clicks to add to favorites*

  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Despite all that's happened
    I can't let go
    It's the only thing in my life now
    Mia has all of the control

    very very good poem, i admire your strength, hope your ok xx