Leaving this life

by SuicideNotes2Poems   Jul 23, 2007

I cant stand this anymore
the pain I'm feeling
day after day
my Fate is sealing
i will die alone and live life the same
it is a never ending, deadly game
and i am loosing
i just want to quit
don't know how much longer
i can handle it
the same routine
life's getting quite dull
nothing to live for
or be happy about at all
why would god make me
go through this hell
i hope heaven is better
if not I'm gonna bail
i cant take it any longer
I'm living a lie
the pains not making me any stronger
its killing me inside
i sit and cry
but you don't notice
but if you look into my eves
and really focus
you will see the dark
their's no light in my life
not one spark
only a bloody knife
i say goodbye
to the people i know
i don't leave with a sigh
i want go



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  • 16 years ago

    by TillyMariex

    I dont kno what to say...your a really good writer =]

  • 17 years ago

    by TillyMariex

    Again another sad poem. i like it. u rrly do hav talent. <3

  • 17 years ago

    by sara

    WOW! I really like it 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by HaileyHelen

    Ok thanx ricky! this poem ttly jus made me cry!!!! but that jus shows how great it was!

  • 17 years ago

    by teryn

    I really, really liked that.