End of My World

by Ixora   Jul 23, 2007

I looked up at the sun
And the sky began to cry
Its tears hugged my own
But i couldn't understand why

So i waited until the darkness came
Where the stars had sparkled bright
But the stars seemed sad and lonely
It was quite an unusual night

Baffled i had stared
And hoped to understand
Why this confusion and sadness
Could overcome such a beautiful land

And i worried for a second
But rest assured for tomorrow
Surely when the new day came
There would no longer be this wretched sorrow

But as the sun rose once more
It did so sad and blue
I could no longer contain myself
I asked, "what is wrong with you?"

But the sun would not answer
He just glanced over and i saw
His eyes held pity and strife
With a hint of hidden awe

Had the world gone mad I thought
But surely the night had changed
The moon came out and oh the horror
So skinny and deranged

Her eyes were red and burning
She screamed to me "Just stop it!"
But i wasn't doing anything i said
And she cringed as if she was hit

The confusion stayed for months
And i just couldn't comprehend
As i tried to figure it out
I lost every lover, every friend

Until soon i was like the sun
Sorrow broken and teary-eyed
With no one left to help
like the moon i screamed inside

Days and months would go
But i barley gave them a glance
Soon i calmed down a bit
And once more gave life a chance

I packed my things and left
Traveled far away from this place
Upon my first couple steps
I saw a familiar face

And these tears like days renewed
Graced my face as morning dew
Startled i began to understand
That i was still in love with you

You barley glanced to see
And my hands couldn't help but curl
Because without you i realized
It was the end of my world

-a very personal realization I'm none to happy about :/


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  • 16 years ago

    by monica

    Omg girl all your poems are like magickal they make me think alot

  • 17 years ago

    by Jodie Phillips

    That was spectacular loved it completly.....keep it up your a brilliant poet...

  • 17 years ago

    by monica

    I really do love this poem its beautiful if i knew how to rate i would im sorry

  • 17 years ago

    by Angela

    Lol you make me feel like an amature !!
    this is soooo good.. i loved the whole thing!! uch good use of poetic devices, and style!!
    5/5 for sure!!
    <3 ang

  • 17 years ago

    by KeyxMashingxParody

    OMG so sad! I'm so sorry! *pats on the back*


    I gave it a 5/5