Questions of our friendship

by Mark Z   Jul 24, 2007

Walking down this road
With my hands in my pockets
And my head hung low
I let my mind drift
As my feet continue moving
Faces of my friends
Come into my mind
Thats when I start to wonder
Whether I have turned my back on them
Or they on me
I then question all my relationships
And wonder what is true
And what has turned out to become false
Looking inward and reflecting
I bow my head in shame
And realize even though I did my best
I still do not know
If it has even been enough
For someone like you


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  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    HoW sweeT iS thiS poeM anD i loveD iT. verY mucH fascinatinG. keeP yR writinG tO shimmeR likE aS thiS onE.... 5/5
