by Michelle18
This poem is good...the story behind it is amazing...but im going to give you a few tips that i think will help you make this one better.. |
I liked this poem alot.. i enjoyed it very much. i know the feeling.... i rate this a 5 |
by Vanessa
Nice poem. you do need a little help on the rhyme sceme just like i think i do but i still like it very much. |
by Angela
Ryhming is okay.. but i love the poem and the thought behind it :) |
by Crystal Gaze
The ryhme sceme could use some work. |
Very well written, very nice portrayal of emotions, great flow. Well done, keep up the good work :) |
by Laura Ash
Aw this is a sad poem =[ it's well written though |
by amber
Good job. keep it up. i know exactly what this is saying im kinda going through the same thing. |
Thats a very good poem..Its writen well..Its almost perfect..Keep up the wirting your doing great..CAnt wait to read more... |
by Wallace
Great piece, such strong emotions, I really liked the opening lines really eye-catching. Great work. Keep it up. |
by xXxemzxXx
Hey great poem i really like it your poems are great keep it up kk |
Great job. Easily related to but i do agree with some prior people. Work on your rhyming and you'll do even better. Keep writing. =) |