How could you hurt me like this?

by Emily Lynn   Apr 25, 2004

You said to not give up
That you wanted to be there
But then you went and blew me off
Just like you didn’t care

It hurts me that you lied to me
And played me for a fool
Did you think I wouldn’t care,
That it would all be cool?

When you left with her last night
It hurt more than words can say
You left me stranded and alone
And that feeling won’t go away

I knew it was over when you asked her to dance
I could see it in your eyes
But when I asked you about it
You just fed me all those lies

This was supposed to be my night
I thought you would make it great
But that was just wishful thinking--
Something I found out a little too late

You don’t care about me
Not the way I need you to
I’ve just been lying to myself
By thinking that you do

You proved that to me
By your actions late last night
If you really cared at all
You would try to make it right

You told me you were sorry
But is that really true?
Or were you just mouthing words
To make me forgive you?

As hard as it is to say
Maybe this is what I need
To get you off my mind
And help set me free.


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  • 20 years ago

    by J4Y

    brill keep it up

  • 20 years ago

    by Shelby

    I feel ya...but i've never really had a bad thing like that hapen to me..I'm in a very good relationship right now, and i love my boyfriend VERY much! so, i'm gonna start writing some love poems. YAY me! This poem was great!! You have such a way with words!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Ashley Williams

    Aww.. I feel ya best friend in the whole world left the dance we were at with my ex who she knew I still really cared about. keep ur chin up and keep writing its a good way to express your feelings. If you ever need to talk hit me up