Prove them wrong

by Chelsey   Jul 24, 2007

Some may call us crazy, some may call us fools
That we feel we are in love and we are still in high school
Some may call us weird, some may call us odd
That the person who wears the pants in this relationship, is our one and only God

A lot of them doubt us, a lot of them bow their head
Because they think we won't make it, yet we think we'll be wed
A lot may think its nuts, for me to not try other fish in the sea
But when you were hooked by that line, you were pulled up by me

And I can't wait for days to go by, and weeks after that
Where we can finally pull up a chair, and so happily look back
We'll say "remember those times where we had hope and trust?
And everyone else was negative, no one believed in us

We will still go weak at the knees when we see each other smile
We will still move on with faith when we come to long tough trials
More importantly we'll go on laughing, when people say we won't last long
Because years from now my sweet baby, we will prove them wrong

They say you never stay with that first love
Yet I say you'll always be the only one I think of
Our choice will be to stay together and throw that myth down the drain
All those years will go by and our love will remain the same


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cheyanne

    Wow that was beautiful!!! i could relate to this poem in so many ways....especially since im getting married on the 30th of this month...and i know how it feels to have people doubting on your relationship all the time.....well once again you did an amazing feels good to know that theres other people trying to prove to others that young love can last...definetly a 5/5:)

  • 17 years ago

    by Miu

    Beautiful, strong. I really hope that kind of relationship won't fall apart for you two. Cute ryhmes. Really enjoyed it!
    5/5 Keep writing.

  • 17 years ago

    by Mr M

    So good Chelsey....

    I hope you are as lucky as Cindy...she married her childhood sweetheart and stayed with him till he passed...doesn't hardly happen anymore so best wishes for that.