Tell me that you love me

by melissa   Jul 25, 2007

A little deep inside
by soul is almost brighten
as you were there beside
I know I love you and I don't have to pretend.

You always look at me
but I'm to shy to say:
I love you, and I wont go away
you'll stay in my heart forever,
and when you need me Ill be there.

I knew you love me, and then
you told me what I wanted to hear,
and I thought I will faint and disappear.
but fortunately I just smiled and whisper to your ear,
I love you and I wont go away,
you'll stay in my heart forever,
and when you need me Ill be there.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    WonderfuL writinG.... keeP uP youR writingS..... mE lovE youR stylE oF writinG verY mucH...