The sky is dull and misty, like the inside of a cave
He has ginger hair,
dark brown eyes like mud,
nose like a nail point and lips chewed like old leather.
His skin is translucent.
He is built like a wrestler and wears string vests like fisherman's nets.
He sits in his chair with his legs resting on a stool.
He is very depressed and angry because
he lost his wife on Christmas eve.
He thinks about her all the time.
Its hard for him to concentrate on life with that on his mind all day, every day.
Christmas day makes him feel angry like a teased bull charging at a stone wall.
He remembers-
his own eyes red with terror,
ripping presents to shreds.
He throws the Christmas tree out the front.
He drinks to forget.
He says over and over again
"it was my fault"
One day walking the lonely streets,a jack Russel peacefully walks to wards him.
He bends down to stroke its coat white like snow.
Mornings are incredibly difficult.
Each night becomes morning before he goes to bed.
He wakes each morning to the smell of stale alcohol and the lingering stench of the stubs in the ashtray.
The only thing to wake up for is the dog.
The day is miserable.
He walks the dog
.Someone stops him and asks, "have you got the time?"
At that moment, the dog spots a cat and pulls at the lead
which snaps.
The dog runs into the road.
A puddle of blood grows.
He feels heartbroken all over again.
He walks to wards the dog.