by Blaketooken Jul 27, 2007
category :
Love, romance /
lasting love
Why is it that when you fall in much happens.. there's so much much you much much tears, so much heartaches. But you keep wanting to love. It's an addiction. But this addiction is different. You can't go to a recovery center. You can't talk to a counselor. You can't take a pill that will make you not yearn for it. lives with you forever. That's why, do you ever wonder who was the first person who fell in love?( Only if they could've warned us what we'll be going through.) But there's no one in this world that was the first to fall. You wouldn't even know where to look because everyone falls in love. Why? cause it's a different love compared to what your parents give you. Guys make an impact in your life. They make your heart beat or make it stop. When guys say they love you the feeling you get is way different from the feeling you would get when your parents say it cause you already know thay love you but for a guy to say it is showing you that not only do your parents love you but they do too. I'm in love right now. But when your in a love thats deeper then the ocean and that's uncountable like the sand. All you can think about is if you'll be with the person your madly in love with forever...Or if he'lll break up with you right before you tell him how you feel. That's why..Love..what a word. |