Beautiful Needle

by KeyxMashingxParody   Jul 27, 2007

Oh how I loved it,
Feeling the needle pierce my skin.
Wishing this flesh feeling would never end.

Oh how I yearned it,
The cold metal caressing my addiction.
My heart racing from the blood's friction.

Oh how I needed it,
The shivers it sent through my veins.
Urging it on and on again, just to feel the pain.

Oh how I craved it,
Feeling the blood slowly make its way.
Slowly creeping down my body, please stay!

Oh how I loved it,
Feeling the needle pierce my skin.
Wishing this flesh feeling would never end.



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  • 17 years ago

    by Mr M

    This is a good poem to have written but it tends to lend validity to being a junkie which in turn takes people away from what is of value that you say.