I wish..

by Kaila   Jul 27, 2007

I wish you were here with me today,
So I could laugh at all the things you say,
I wish I could hug you once again,
Just like I use to way back when.

I wish you could see me play sports,
and criticize the way I wear my shorts,
I wish you were here to hate my boyfriends,
and always want to hang on the weekends.

I wish you were here to help me succeed,
and tell me what to do when I get bullied,
I wish you were to laugh at my jokes,
and play outside until we got heatstroke.

I wish you were here to read this poem,
I pray all day that you will come home,
I wish you were here to wipe away tears,
and to help me now with my biggest fears.

**not how I wanted to end it but I'm sryy if you don't like it...its for my dad


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  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    =((...tHat waS eXpreSsed BeautIfUlLy Yet SadLy. i'Ve wrITten a pOem deDicAted tO mY daD tOo...And i knOw exActLy wHat yOu aRe gOin thRu..It sAd DaT nO MaTter hOw muCh wE waNted tO be wIt tHat persOn tHereS nuThin we CaN dO bUt tO keEp oN wiShiN...ExeceLlent jOb..TC aLwaYz..xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    Omg... tears again. This reminds me of how I feel about my mom...
    Amazing write. Your message was perfectly clear and your pain is very evident. Beautiful write

  • 17 years ago


    This is by far the best poem I have red today I loved it,
    you put a lot of emotion in and you made it sound so real I could picture it in my head

    I wish you were here with me today,
    So I could laugh at all the things you say,
    I wish I could hug you once again,
    Just like I use to way back when.

    this was my favorite stanza I dont mean to critisize such a great poem but I do believe that the end word of the this stanza wuld make more sense if it said "then" 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    Nice pacing, good format, awesome message. great job, you did incredibly magnificent

    your servant:

  • 17 years ago

    by anna

    Dubled post lol. got a new laptop and it has that stupid touch mouse thingy and i held the pointer over the button to long. lol