One fell in love, cannot really explain why,
But they are separated, different city, but same country,
Do not know about the girl,
But this is the story of the guy,
The first night,
He stayed up all night,
Wondering why he had not stayed,
Stay for her,
Its tearing him apart,
Sometimes he just want to run away,
Back to her, and tell her everything,
He can never just forget about her,
Last time he met her, a suprise during her birthday,
He came all the way just to see her,
The bracelet he chose in his hands,
Everything was going so well,
Suprised her, till the end was going well,
The last part he sees, he holding her telling her everything,
In the end, he gave the bracelet,
But he could not get the words out,
And in the end he did not say anything,
Just good night,
And now he is just dying, just dying,
He just want to go back to that moment again,
Any price he would pay, for that,
Any price,,,,I would pay,
I love you more than anything else, and i would tell you,
i know this is just a cowardly reason, but only one thing stopping me, the fact i have to leave,,,,thats the only reason,,,,