Never Let Go

by KeyxMashingxParody   Jul 28, 2007

Hold my body,
Hold it close.
Caress my flesh,
Never let go.

Keep me safe,
My heart is torn.
Keep me happy,
From things I morn.

Say you love me,
Mean it always.
Say it softly,
Every day.

Make me smile,
Never let me cry.
If I get sad,
I might take my life.

I've always been lonely,
Never felt love.
Please keep me fed,
Held high above.

Hold my body,
Hold it close.
Caress my flesh,
Never let go...
Please... Never let me go....


for whomever it concerns.... <3 me


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mr M

    Now the real beauty of this is that the lines are short and sweet into the next short and sweet line. Gave me a good thought on a well rounded piece. Very good