Do u see the scars on her arms?

by Liz   Jul 29, 2007

Do u see the scars on her arms?
or the pain in her eyes?
see the way she cries out in pain?
see the way she looks at the world?
her blank cold stare and emotionless face
she never smiles b/c she knows happiness
will soon leave her in tears

she struggles there in her own world
she can't trust any one( or at least won't)
she only sees the terrible past and she predicts the future only worse

if she doesn't stay cold, hard and tough
if she loved or enjoyed
if she let herself tri 2 be happy
if she wouldn't wanna die
she would just smile

but she can't trust
b/c it could hurt her
she wont love laugh or even smile
b/c shes scared
shes afraid it'll all fade away 2 quickly
just to never come back

so the scars stay and grow
b/c thats all she can control
the pains always in her eyes
shes always hiding tears behind her hard cold stare
her world hurts as much as the real one
but she can't let go, give up her control
she can't b/c shes been hurt to bad b4
but maybe some day she can forget the past to let the future hold a chance of being better



OK so idk if this is the right category 4 this (tell me what u think so i can change it if needed)i also think this may b an OK song to play(tell me what u think)
it has a lot to do w/ me but also a lot not
~if u know what i mean~


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  • 17 years ago

    by ali

    Yeh i think this is in the right category
    this was so deep and moving, honestly it actually sent a shiver down my spine as i read because it was so powerfully written and so easy to relate to. this is just wow, even though it is so sad, it is so very good
    5/5 xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Shadow Heart

    I love it


  • 17 years ago

    by cory

    Beautiful poem u should check out some of mine.their kinda similar.this 1 really spoke to me. im kinda jelous.5/5 good job


  • 17 years ago

    by Jenna, sad...but i can relate...i did A LOT of self harm and i tried committing suicide about 5 months ago...this brings back sum memories...BEAUTIFULLY written...keep up the great work.
    cant wait so see sum more of your work!


    ps. thanks for your comment!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Wake

    Ok..first uvall.. tht was damn sad.. and 0_0.. wtf it was SO DAMN RELATABLE ..a brilliantly penned piece of work.. i loved it.. keep it up

    looking forward to more of your work
