Comments : All By Myself

  • 17 years ago

    by chavii

    That is such a beautiful heartwarming poem.A real inspiring write,loved it.

    Take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a peaceful calm poem. You did an awesome job.

    Seep into the Self
    Peace within and without
    A mind free of thoughts
    With faith in my heart.

    Love these lines. One has to look deep within to find these things.
    Take Care Cindy

  • 17 years ago

    by Letty

    Wow....Alka, this is very beautiful. This poem is very well written and so emotional in so many words. The imagery of it was magnificent and I loved the metaphors that you used. I think that this is one of your best poems and I am adding it to my favorites list.
    I loved the poem as a whole, but these are my favorite stanzas:

    The vast ocean in front
    The tides rumbling
    Followed by quietude
    Reminds of mellowness

    The sun glaring high
    The warmth,giving energy
    To overcome our struggles
    Holding high in self-esteem

    The evening sky-a hue of colours
    Mind blowing cool breeze
    The birds flying back to their nest
    Resting in peace

    And this one also:

    Seep into the Self
    Peace within and without
    A mind free of thoughts
    With faith in my heart

    I just love those four. You are wonderful at what you do. Please keep up the great work, because I am back and ready to do some reading and commenting. lol


  • 17 years ago

    by mohamad aref numan

    How amazing ur desecription

  • 17 years ago

    by Illusion

    Faith n belief
    truth of life thats what the poem said

    dont forget to check my poems . please do r.r.c

    poem 1 reason
    poem 2 deaf dumb blind

  • 17 years ago

    by despodreamer

    Well written...specialy the last three stanzas..guiding ones...carry on wid these brilliant types!!

  • 16 years ago

    by C P Sharma

    You are a great Nature watcher. You are yet away from the 'sordid boon'. I specially liked:

    Wonder will that day come
    From these gifts of nature
    So much to learn
    Be able to reach my final goal

    An inner urge to be one with Nature and learn from it as Wordsworth says:

    This our life exempt from public haunt,
    Finds tongues in trees , books in the running brooks,
    Sermons in stones and good in everything.

  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    Beautiful! I love this; it's so pretty!5/5!

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Beautiful, 5/5. Em x

  • 10 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Nature has a lot to teach us and when we give ourselves to her and become one there is inner peace and beauty to smile about. Liked the flow of this write and its serenity...lovely!