One Last Chance

by RobinAnn13   Jul 31, 2007

She does up her make-up
and begins her task
Bottles up her feelings
and puts on her mask

She goes out in public
and stands there all alone
She's so sad inside but
those thoughts are never shown

She gets home later
she has one missed call
she checks who it's from
and throws the phone at the wall

it's from the one she loves
the one who made her wait
but when he came back
he was way too late

he ignored her feelings
he was never there
So, she gave up on him
he never did care

Now she's fed up with life
and she prepares the rope
she gets pencil and paper
and writes her very last note

"I'm sorry I'm so weak
I just couldn't take the pain
I couldn't live another day
my entire life was in vain"

Now the world knows her secret
that her smiles were all lies
that boy thinks back upon it
and all he does is cry

For he was calling to plead
to be given one last chance
but now she's gone forever
Never even got one last glance...


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  • 16 years ago

    by TakeWhateverMay

    Robin!!! I think i helped you out on this oh well
    i read it
    loved it
    made me hate you even more b/.c of ur awesomeness lol

  • 17 years ago

    by HidinVictim

    WOW.... im... this is like reading my heart in words for my... amazing... i almost cryed... anyways, very beautigul, the flow is wonderful, and emotion runs through evey word... im definatly a fan... 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by TillyMariex

    Wow. i dont kno what to say...its amazing <333

    its perfect :-)

  • 17 years ago

    by BreakMyWingsAndRun

    WOW! what an awesome poem!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Mary

    This is such a good poem it expresses a lot of feelings...ur a great poet <3