You are their

by HisBlueEyedAngel   Jul 31, 2007

You are always their.
When I shed tears you are their
to tell me everything will be ok.

When ever I am afraid you tell
me trust me I will not let anything
happen to you.

When I am having a bad day you
are their to change me from sad to

When ever I feel like I am
worthless you are their to tell
me how you feel about me.

When ever I miss you....You tell
me to touch my heart that you
are with me or to close my
eyes and count to 5 and I
will hear you tell me I love
you more than anything.

When ever I am ready to explode you are their to
tell me not to do it that it is bad.

When ever I feel dum you come up with some
funny story about you to see that laugh you love
so much.

You and my heart tell me
all the time you will always
be their when I need you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by sheila

    Love it keep on writting

    * $heila *