Each day,night and everyday.

by Emiillyy   Aug 1, 2007

Each day,night and everyday.
each night i ask the question why did she die?
each day i ask the question why her?
each day i ask why did god put me through this?
each night i ask why do i have to go through this?

everyday i ask the question why do people die
everyday i say no one deserver's to die no matter what they've done
everyday i ask why why why

each day someone dies i don't understand why put so many people through this when they did nothing wrong
each day i ask god why do you make people die
each day i ask why end someones life like this
each day i ask why cant you just stop letting people die

everyday i ask the question why do people die
everyday i say no one deserves to die no matter what they've done
everyday i ask why why why

each day i ask why is it so hard to find a cure for something that can kill so easy
each day i ask why cant i find a cure to bring her back
each day i ask why did she die from something as horrible someone as loving as her
each day i ask why cant we just find a cure so no one has to go through this

everyday i ask the question why do people die
everyday i say no one deserves to die no matter what they've done
everyday i ask why why why

I wrote this poem as no one knows what its like to lose someone as caring as my grandma. Why did god end her life like this.She was so loving yet so caring.She shouldn't die she made the world way better.As i sit her typing I'm trying not to cry. She died from cancer she should be alive she should never of died.She loved people like no one else could.Its so easy to say hi but so hard to say goodbye.I wrote this in memory of my grandma.I was to young to little i cant stand it.Why cant i just have one more day thats all i ask to spend with my grandma.No matter what she loved every one on this earth hated no one even if they killed she loved them in her heart no one did nothing wrong.She loved everyone even if she never knew them.Why cant everyone be like her the world would be way better.


Why cant i have one more day?

This poem was written by Emily Rowan of Australia in memory of her grandma who died of cancer.


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