Bl0od, angel,dream

by StarGirlmari   Aug 2, 2007

I had a dream
Just last nite
U were there but
It wasn't just u!
It was the angel carved inside of u
It was the soul only
A lucky few get to c
While I cut ma wrist n bleed
U came in
Outta nowere an yet u were there
I looked up from the river of blood
Beneath ma feet
Ur halo of light made me feel
Feel undescribable things
Ur huge warmth wings wrapped my whole
Body so near to urs
Never have I felt safer
In such a cold windy nite
With the razor still cuttin into my skin
U wrpped ur warm gentle hands aroun my
Red covered wrist
An magically
They were gone
The scars the blood the scabs
All the stuff that blocked me from bein me!
So never let go am afraid
Ur hands might slip
Never let go
Or ill bleed myself once again
Never let go
Ill lose myself
Never let go
promise me u won't !
Promise me u won't!
my angel came to me
An finally I can
Sorta maybe start to heal!!!!!!!!!
Blood mite still drip
but ull b here with me!


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