
by Loved In Hell   Aug 2, 2007

Last night I cried
Tears that burned
Fallen again
Another lesson learned

How many tears
Can be in one eye
You can never imagine
The ones that I cry

A tear for every word
That is left unsaid
They fall from my face
As I sit on my bed

The tear is left unheard
But as it falls it screams
I don't want to return
To my horrible dreams

People don't care
What my tears have to say
But here in my room
I will always stay

One last tear falls
And brings numbness to me
I can not hear
I can't even see

Memories are gone
Because it was never real
How can you remember
If there was nothing there to feel

So here I am
Crying the same tears
Not living my life
Because of my fears


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Last night I cried
    Tears that burned
    Fallen again
    Another lesson learned
    ^^...who was the lesson from this time?

    How many tears
    Can be in one eye
    You can never imagine
    The ones that I cry
    ^^aww that sounds so hurtful you really portray the pain you are in well here

    A tear for every word
    That is left unsaid
    They fall from my face
    As I sit on my bed
    ^^so many people will be able to relate to this stanza alone

    The tear is left unheard
    But as it falls it screams
    I don't want to return
    To my horrible dreams
    ^^great personification here it really paints a picture for the reader

    People don't care
    What my tears have to say
    But here in my room
    I will always stay
    ^^this is such a call for help but it was shut down...

    One last tear falls
    And brings numbness to me
    I can not hear
    I can't even see
    ^^ i normally would say to stick to the can't or can not for both lines but it added a little something to have it they way you wrote i would leave it

    Memories are gone
    Because it was never real
    How can you remember
    If there was nothing there to feel
    ^^just like you can't remember someone you never meet !

    So here I am
    Crying the same tears
    Not living my life
    Because of my fears
    ^^fears hold so many people back : /

    i think you did a very good job with wording and the rhyming. never was the flow off
    5/5 !: )

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    Tears are the most powerfull thing a person can say , and the loudest word an eye can hear !!

    no one really hear the scream coming out
    but i think the tears are the way the body put out the flood of fire in the heart .

    a tear for every word unsaid !!
    much words are unsaid ... never will be enough tears for those !!

    how many tear an eye have !!
    is not important

    untill the water in your eyes meet teh red blood and mix together and flow then you wil knoe no more is in there and the blood is coming out now !!


  • 17 years ago

    by Skye x0x0x

    Ohh this one is good.. I like it.. it is soo sweet.. and emotional.. you write some good stuff.. have you had a bad experence in life?

  • 17 years ago

    by A l y s s a

    "The tear is left unheard
    But as it falls it screams"

    That's my favourite part - describing tears in such a way quadtriples the effect it has upon the reader. This poem is so emotion filled & touching. The rhyming was spot on & the flow was almost perfect.
    Excellent job :)

    Ally. x

  • 17 years ago

    by Not

    I love this poem so much
    my favorite part of it was when you said"People don't care
    What my tears have to say
    But here in my room
    I will always stay" this part touched me the most,because sometimes i get like...another wonderful...love always...xoxo...!!..=)

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