You stole my heart right out of my chest
Out of all the guys I liked you the best
You made me happy like never before
Then something happened and I became unsure
Our calls turned short our visits did too
You always have an excuse or something to do
I tried to play dumb for I did not want to see
Why you and that girl talk more then you and me
But playing dumb only works for so long
Why do I feel accountable when I was done wrong?
You ensured me u was different not the same
But for this broke heart who gets the blame?
I never held you tied to your past
I now see why your relationships never do last
Behind your foot steps you leave a broken heart
You found another girl to leave torn apart
I never knew that love was a game
But I see now that you're all the same
Maybe one day the tables will have turned
And you will have got a lesson well learned
( Me and my bbf wrote this after a bad breakup she had )