The key to my Heart

by blackheartslove   Aug 3, 2007

You told me that you loved me
As you softly kissed my lips
You said you'd never leave me
As you held me to your chest

You made me feel so special
Each time I talked to you
I thought I was the only one
When you reached for my hand

But when the walls fell away
All your lies were suddenly laid bare
And I could see right through your game
The one you'd played with every girl before me

I asked if it was just physical
And you answered with oh I'm all talk
I should have realized than
That you meant it in more ways than one

Of all the times I heard I love you
I don't think you meant it once
I thought what we had was special
But I was just a trophy to you

The way I fit perfectly in your embrace
The way your hand always found mine
The sweet taste of your lips
Your arms around my waist

It all felt so right and good
Was it really all a lie?
But even before the question is formed
I know that I am right

So I try to move on
But your memory haunts my dreams
I cannot close my eyes
Because your face stands out in my mind

Such a short time together
But I love you all the same
I don't know why I can't let go
But you've taken hold of my heart

It's tied up and bound
By chains so thick
I cannot break free
For you hold the key

But you must have misplaced it
Or you threw it away
Do you really know nothing?
Of the power you hold in your hands?

Do you have any power over her
Or do you just like breaking hearts
I hate her so much
Because she has everything we might have been

Things change you said
But what you really mean
Is you couldn't satisfy me
You weren't pretty enough

But I'm still waiting
If you ever learn
If you decide that your missing
What we once shared

I won't ever stop loving you
But eventually we all must move on
Today is that day
I try to put your memory away

So here is the chance
To use your key
To unlock my heart
And come running back to me


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