by Goran Rahim
Oh how cute, this one was so thoughtful and well done, dear. this great piece really deserve a 5/5 because it is so nicely done |
by nikki
Aww. i want a puppy. it was so cute. i loved it. great work 5/5 |
by ECILA ice
It was cute and rare coz i haven't read a poem dedicated to a sweet but it was still simple and i don't get the message of your poem. keep it up 4/5 |
by Cella Bella
Puppies are great lol. This was sweet and really cute. Wonderful senryu! 5/5 |
by Marc Ortiz
It was a good poem m'dear. Very cute =) |
Hahaha..i love it! simple and straight to the point..i love how animals (or..people for that matter) can find amusement in such simple things..great job! |
by Miranda
Aww your puppy is so cute. *pets Bandits cute little head* It's great that you wrote a poem for him.A very great poem.5/5. |
by Mousie
Aww it was cute, i liked it, great job. good write. |
by N J Thornton
How adorable. There's only so much that can be said poetically about a senyru due to it's length, or lack of, but I think you used the form well. All the aspects and qualities of senyru which I won't go into detail about because I know you know, were there. Also, the subject was heart warming. I could picture the playful scene. It really did make me go "aww." Keep writing!! |
by Fsams
Very unique and creative poem reflecting your versatility. Well done |
by Kayla
Puppies barking at the strangest things.. it's so adorable! I love how animals will freak out over something odd, especially puppies and kitties... Another simple poem but very good non the less. |
by Tara Kay
This was cute. I loved it. |