Your addiction

by Dylan   Aug 3, 2007

From a kid you where my hero
i never knew booze could make you such a zero
take all the days and subtract the nights
of all the days that you would get into fights
Ive stuck by you for all these years
yet you've always been my darkest fears
a hole in the wall a beer in your hand
this disease drenched addiction i could not stand
a hurting family and this blood drenched heart
your brain has been twisted from the start
this life of yours and the many years of lies
yet i am the one to pick you up when everything inside you dies
you said i promise to many times
and took all of our money and left us with not even dimes
your two sons you said you care most about
then why would you let that crap win that makes you scream and shout
this dream of life is not over and your best has come and gone with the years
god dad i love you yet you've really let me down and put me in tears
so please make it count this time and give it one last try for me
get sober and i hope that time in jail has set your misled mind free
no more lies no more fights please
and you will put both your sons to eze
i love you so much dad and dont let me down
or i will never talk to you again since you are no king without your crown


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  • 16 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    Awwh, niice way of expression yourself i can so relate to it good job


  • 17 years ago

    by nell


    the fear in his eyes i dont see in you
    the love and hope in you i feel it too
    the world can end and the sky can fall
    but by your side im here, through it all
    the life you lead is similar to mine
    so much alike, you let my light shine
    the steps you take are at your own risk
    yet your heart still beats like a skipping disk
    the three words i dread mean so much to you
    the three words u said, i mean it too.

    dylan. i speak from the heart with every beat, your the apple of his eye. no matter how much you dont think its true. it is. people have a funny way of showing it but hunny its true, he loves you dearly i mean how couldnt you. the love, the hope, the ambition and the will that makes you get up everyday and live another day, i hope to be like you someday. the fear thats inside me i seem to forget when im with you, ... you make everyhing dissapear for a while. one thing is all it takes to make your sunshine go away. the cries of your heart that no one hears, are screaming at me to help you achive them. the past is the past so live for the future. in one single moment i see your soul. in one single moment i catch a glimps of my future in your eyes. hunny, live your life they way you want to and the way you learned how to, the "what ifs" dont ever happen, life has another way for you to discover new things.

    rememeber that.

    life's only what u make of it. so make it count.

  • 17 years ago

    by Brie Anna

    This is an amazing write! 5/5 this reminds me of my life cept i'm a girl haha well any who this was really good i loved it keep it up :]
