My Heart to Keep

by ctmskm   Aug 3, 2007

I'm delicately handing my heart to you,
In your caressing embrace, my heart to forever keep.
I'm giving you the opening, the only way of destroying me,
But Sarah I know our love is deep.
I'm giving my entire being to you,
my mind, body, and soul.
Handing it all over to you,
In hopes, you'll be the one to keep me whole.
I'm depending on your gentle and engaging love,
to get me through this world each and every day.
I'm praying you'll always be here by my side,
And that's where you'll always have a place to stay.
I've put you over everyone else including myself,
You automatically go to the front of my line.
This is why I'm carefully handing you my heart,
In hopes, you'll always and eternally, completely be mine.
You touched my heart, and opened my eyes,
You've made me wonder but also realize.
My love for you will always be true
not a day goes by where I don't think of you.
On the day we met, Love danced in the air,
I remember it all clearly,
Your personality, your tranquil beauty, that loving stare.
Today at the moment and forever my life's complete,
my hearts dancing on heavens streets, all because I found you,
my one true love until death do us part,
and even from that day forward I'll forever give you my heart.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Beatrice

    Really great poem and I loved the flow. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by DeathlyAmore

    Keep writing! Keep it up! You have the marks of a great poet!

  • 17 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    You say you wanted honest comments. I liked it, and i thought it was good.
    the emotion was noticeable but i think if you search somewhere inside your heart i think you could really get something awesome from what is already very good.
    It flowed nicely, and was a good poem
    love Tara-Kay