In Iraq On Family.

by FlowerThatDied   Aug 4, 2007

Bad taste in my mouth from the night before,
Broken smiles from the husband I always swore...
I'd dedicate my life to, but while he was away,
I got lonely yesterday...
I wish that I didn't,
I am just what they say,
Something I swore never to be.
I am but a cheat, a god lying cheat,
And I've balled my eyes out today,
Damien is five, he tells me not to cry,
His daddy's eyes looking back on me.
While daddy's fighting a war,
But what the Hell's he fighting for?
We all need him, especially today,
Isabelle's been crying since my mama brought her home,
Damien played quietly outside.
And as mama and I talked over coffee,
My mama did say, I know what you did yesterday..
Did I know what to say?
What were the words?
I just stammered and stuttered and sipped boiling coffee,
As I waited for my mama to go.
Eight months and a day, my baby's been away,
Do I cry or stand to denial?
I don't think he's coming back,
There is a heart I now lack,
And I don't feel I'm still standing on trial...
Damien's now six,
Isabelle's now one,
She doesn't remember her father,
And Damien sometimes cries,
But otherwise he denies...He ever truly had one.
I remember one time, about a month ago,
Damien turned all the pictures with daddy down,
I asked him why, all he did was sigh and grab his wrestlers once more.
A letter I'd been dreading came through the door,
Srgnt.J.D.Storm died in battle. He will be sorely missed,
What about the death of a man?
A wonderful man, a family man, no matter who was his weekly hiding,
I know he had a second life and I hope they don't know, what I found out today...


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  • 17 years ago

    by jack

    Sorry i must of clicked submit a few times
    at least it looks good that u got a lot of comments

  • 17 years ago

    by jack

    Very well written, sometimes i got lost and didn't really know what was happening but the thought and dedication put behind it was emense, i loved it and i can empathise with what was happening, it really makes you think about why you have been put on the earth, some think they are here to fight and they will die for there country and family.

    very well written>
    thanks for my comment>
    keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by jack

    Very well written, sometimes i got lost and didn't really know what was happening but the thought and dedication put behind it was emense, i loved it and i can empathise with what was happening, it really makes you think about why you have been put on the earth, some think they are here to fight and they will die for there country and family.

    very well written>
    thanks for my comment>
    keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by jack

    Very well written, sometimes i got lost and didn't really know what was happening but the thought and dedication put behind it was emense, i loved it and i can empathise with what was happening, it really makes you think about why you have been put on the earth, some think they are here to fight and they will die for there country and family.

    very well written>
    thanks for my comment>
    keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    This poem actually reminds me of the song runaway love by mary j.blige, well, I guess they will be lacking love from a great man...some sort...nice poem...