Endless Hurt

by PoeticalHeartless   Aug 5, 2007

How do I start?
Sitting here looking at the stars thinking why did I do all that stuff in the past? I know its wrong to self harm,
But why does something that's so wrong feel so good? some people probably know what I'm taking about if your addicted to something meth, coke, heroin you know what I'm, talking about, or is it only me am I sick?
do you people ever see how bad we are hurting? Or do you think its okay we will heal on our own hello what we are feeling is not like a cut or a cold its pain we are feeling don't you understand that?
do you ever look in our eyes and see the pain? do you even look at us?! When you see your parents fight doesn't it burn into your brain and scarres you for life, you know what I'm talking about so don't hide the pain let them know you need help and the time to get the help is now


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  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    I totally agree with heather. This is something so many people can relate to, but they may interperate it in there own ways. Your poems are really good and the emotions are easy to feel in your writing. This was a brilliant piece. Very well written and your choice of words was great. 5/5 and nothing less for this!

  • 16 years ago

    by heather

    Hey i jus got ur mess askin me2 read one and i havent been on here in 4ev! but yea, i can relate to this..not cuz i do drugs or anything...but bc im human and we all feel this type of pain in one way or another. i love how you are able2 xpress ur feelings in ur understandable flow of words...keep it up girlY <3 <3 <3

  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    I really loved this poem alot .. i really dont knwo how somthing so bad feels soo good. but most of the time it does. kasia 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Spark of Darkness

    Hi im little lost soul, you commented on my peom Emo Kid. Thanks. I really love this peom you wrote because it reminds me of who i am. I self harm and it is addictive i just cant stop. I cant get help cause im afraid i will get rejected by everyone. Your peoms are so ace i really love them. I will keep on commenting. I voted this 5! X little lost soul X