Shreiky Night

by Roxiee An   Aug 5, 2007

Blood is falling from the ceiling
my tears are also red drops
my body is turning blue
and am speaking something I don know
I am moving my hands and my feet restlessly and impatiently
while starting to hit myself hard
How can I hurt myself?
My heartbeat becomes louder and louder
as if it cant be more fast

Why am I moving my head up and down, left and right
Why am I breaking the glasses?
throwing the things like a mad
Why only bubbles of water come out when I try to speak?
Why all the lights are green and blue?
those screaming high-pitched shattering sounds
are just like thunder winds passing me then and now
I slammed my head in the concrete wall
And getting up to repeat the game

My eyes are just about to close
and my mind thinking of the things that I suppose I ever dreamed
Well now am afraid of even drink a drop of water
cant really see the dark and loneliness is killing
Wondering where is my home
well I am unable to wait further
As if from centuries I have been haunting here being insane
Passing a minute for me is too big a deal now

Now I feel someone has taken me over
Please let me die
Please leave me now
I wanna be free
to just leave these paralyzed moments now
I cant take it any longer
Forgive me my friends
I am not with you anymore….
but my soul will always be there
by your side and everywhere you see
May I rest in peace

Thank God I got saved


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  • 17 years ago

    by OHgreenman

    Very intense!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sourav

    Intense indeed... A good write... keep it up buddy!