A Penny

by Vodka   Aug 6, 2007

A penny found on the street,
can really make someone's day.
It might not seem like much money,
or so most people say.

A penny found for good luck,
could change a person's life.
He could win a million dollars,
or meet his future wife.

The penny was found for a purpose,
why it was there, no one has a clue.
But the penny meant much to the man,
but to others, it meant few.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Noelle Wright

    Very cute poem i really liked it!!! give me an idea =]


  • 17 years ago

    by babblingxbrooke

    I really like this poem...i read some of your other ones and they are good too...keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Jaime

    Definitely a unique topic.

    People have no problems throwing away penny's, and yet finding one seems like a very good omen. I'm the first to admit that I get rather excited to find money on the ground, simply because it makes me feel lucky.

    Good poem, it made me smile.