If only he‘d let me say…

by xxurbanxlaydeexx   Apr 27, 2004

Jermaine spoke to me today, not his usual self.
He was kinda jumpy and didn’t take the jokes.
He’d never been like this I couldn’t understand it.
I tried to be reasonable but all I got was hatred.
I turned to walk out the door and promised never to come back.
The door slammed shut and I felt a sudden panic.
My heartbeat raced as I turned around to face him.
A dull figure stood in front of me shaking with fear,
I stepped back in shock as the object began to appear.
My eyes widened and my throat tightened,
Why was my best friend treating me this way?
I begged him to release me, I begged him not to harm me.
I told him I still loved him and I’d never leave him alone.
I was just angry at the time we all have our ups and downs.
He said he was sorry for scaring me, I said it didn’t matter.
But he said he doesn’t want me to be his loving best friend.
He said he wants more but I won’t give him what he wants.
He says he loves me but I take it all for granted and don’t listen to him at all.
But before he pulled the trigger I wish he’d let me say:
That I wanted him more than anything and all my boyfriends were just game.
I loved him more than anything but if he’d just let me speak and let out my emotions,
Maybe things would have been better than ending his life this way.

Copyright 2004.


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