You think

by collin   Aug 6, 2007

You think everything will be fine , but its not
A whole in my heart has been shot
What did i do to feel this pain
I would much rather stand in acid rain
It hurts so bad It might never stop
yet not one tear can i drop
She held my heart in her hands
Then buried it in desert sands
Never again to be seen
Why did this happen what does it mean
What part of I LOVE YOU had you skipped
But from my body, my heart and soul have been ripped

You think you don't deserve to be treated like your the best
well your wrong you deserve it more than the rest..

As long as your happy I will not stop you
I only wish you the best and for one last time i love you....

"comments and votes are much appreciated"


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  • 17 years ago

    by Whitney

    Aww, thats really cute n sweet but at the same time it's sad. You did a wonderful job showing emotion and the flow was really good as well. Great Job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    Aww, that'S a sweetTpoeM! I likE iT :)
