Growing Pains (Collab)

by Chelsey   Aug 6, 2007

Where has my baby girl gone?
Sparkling eyes, mischievous grin
Long, soft, brown, bouncing curls
Just one look, your heart she'd win

Seeing the way momma looks at me
Wishing I was the girl she once knew
Young and innocent, my body fully clothed
Asking God where the days went when I grew

Now sixteen, boys coming around
Talking about wanting to date
Seeing the way they leer at her
Not wanting her to fall to my fate

She says things to me sometimes
That break my heart to hear
She'd rather him and I stay friends
Yet I picture us together for years

Hating seeing her heart break
I'm not ready to let her go
Much to young to be tied down
Needs to take things much more slow

I don't get how she doesn't understand
That it was only a few years back
When Grandma let her be free to date
I don't know why she can't be like that

The tears are falling freely now
Knowing I soon must let her fly
No more mommas baby girl
Soon she'll be telling me good-bye

If she doesn't start to be careful
Sooner or later she will push me away
I'd still like to have momma around
Rather than forget about her in my days

Listening to her threats to leave
Praying to God to help me through
Knowing as she grows into a woman
She will finally see my point of view

Collab Done with Cindy!!.....This was an awesome poem to write with you Cindy!....I love how being an older mom yourself, you still know what its like in a young girls shoes.....thanks for this great write!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Angie

    Oh, what we momma's feel and go through when our little girls grow up.... I pictured my daughter and I when I read this one, its hard for us moms to let go, but we must, my baby is now grown and off at college and engaged to be married and even though in my eyes she is a young woman now, in my heart she'll always be my baby girl. A beautiful and heartfelt collab.... well done.

  • 17 years ago

    by Mr M

    I like this collab kewl. i get to vote the good ones twice

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    I really enjoyed writing this with you. I wish you all the joy and happiness life can bring to you. Your a fantastic young lady.
    Thanks for asking me to write this with you.
    Love Cindy