Lost Soul

by Alma   Aug 7, 2007

The winter wind pushes through the crowds
Another gloomy day awaits
as the sky is painted tarnished grey
Walking through blurred figures
Tears softly and slowly
Slipping down my pale face
I simply continue to walk
I have no destination
No place to be
This is not another love note
Another tale of the broken heart
This is just a story about
Me and how
The path I'm trying to follow
Seems to bend and scatter
And how the lights that
light my way are starting to get dimmer
How Society has taken my voice
and stolen my thoughts
The world seems strange and unfamiliar
I know to well of it's hate and injustice
So with no sense of where to go
With no idea of what to do
I become another lost soul
In the crowd
With no place to call home
and no purpose to go on


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  • 16 years ago

    by Simply Trying

    You are a really great poet, there's a lot of feeling in your poems that make them that much more enjoyable to read.

    Another great job.


  • 17 years ago

    by President Dead

    I love how ur poems havn't been forced into the boxes of modern rhyme and repitition, that makes ur poetry seem so much better. This poems like, oozes imagery, lol, good job.

  • 17 years ago

    by geeeeee

    Adriano pushed enter to my comment before I was able to deconstruct your poem lol. I really think you should enter this one into the poetry competition. It would kick anus hahah
    Its mad bro.

  • 17 years ago

    by geeeeee

    Have I ever told you just how amazing you are. I cant put it into words, but your poetry is just breathtaking! Its beautiful and detailed in its own way.