The ocean of my love

by Firooz   Aug 8, 2007

A note from ocean of my love

If you truly love me,
Help me to escape from you.
Or if you want to heal me,
Help me to be cured of you.

If I'd known that love
Would be so dangerous,
I would have never loved.

If I'd known that the ocean
Would be so deep,
I would have never set sail.

If I had known the outcome,
I would have never began.

I long for you so teach me
How to quit longing.

Teach me how to cut
The roots of your love
From the depths.

Teach me how to kill
The tears within a smile.
Teach me how to kill love,
And murder my passions.

I imagined you being my world,
Like a poem.
Then you planted wounds in my chest,
And stole away my patience.

If I am truly precious to you,
Then take my hand.
Because I have fallen from my head,
All the way to my feet.

The blue waves within your eyes,
Call me unto the depths.
And I can't stand the lure,
Of love nor do I possess the talent,

To all who are present,
And all of the past,
Everyone in my life.

Hear my aged voice,
Aged from the depths of the ocean.

If your powerful enough, pull me out,
From this water.
Because I don't know how to swim.

©2007 all rights reserved
Love all hate None


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  • 16 years ago

    by Kelsie

    Wow, this is very passionate and i completely received the feelings u were sending out from this piece.

    " Teach me how to cut
    The roots of your love
    From the depths"

    this part gave me goosebumps. i think you did an amazing job. 5/5