Guilty Until Proven Innocent

by firexdancer   Aug 10, 2007

Her hands are stained
not with the blood of others
only her blood is pained
tainting her fingers

dripping and cold
she shivers in the loneliness of moonlight
waiting for life to grow old
waiting to fall

standing on the edge
trying to hold herself upright
trying not to slip on the ledge
it's not time yet

guilty of living her life
of yearning for purity
innocence, a knife
guilty of wishing for light

don't touch her
only she can help herself
she'll shatter
no one can put her back together

guilty of lying
she tells herself she's unbreakable
try to smile when she's crying
ignore her pain, it's all you can do

she turns her head
trying to stop the brightness in eyes
guilty of loving the dead
prove that she is worth dying for

innocence is white
red is the color of her blood
her heart gleaming silver, she will fight
she is innocence itself

ripples surrounding her cries
circling around and around
till she dies
everything in life is tied

she sleeps on the ground
snow falling to rest on her hair
guilty of wanting to be found
is it wrong to want to be loved?

tell her it's allright to cry
guilty until proven innocent
she does have a right to fly
so don´t show her how to fall


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  • 17 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Wow, another great poem.

    First of all, I just wanted to say that your title was amazing. I can never seem to think of good titles. The flow was great, even though it didn't rhyme [and I ususally prefer rhyming poems]. I loved your metaphores. I love all kinds of metaphores. Hehe, I'm a metaphore freak. Well done, sweetie!

    Keep writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by Crystal Gaze

    I love the flow of your poems gab. They seem so natural. And you vocabulary so simple yet holds such a deep meaning.

    Simply breathtaking.
    Keep it up..

  • 17 years ago

    by Lisa

    Amazing poetry
    if you have the time,please look over my pieces and lemme know what you think.
    take care and keep up your poetry!

  • 17 years ago

    by Nix

    I don't like first and last two stanzas. Rest of this poem is excellent, last two stanzas destroy flow completely. This piece is deep and it has great atmosphere. I like the topic and I really enjoyed in this poem(but I really don't like first and last two stanzas)

  • 17 years ago

    by Alissa

    This poem was terrific, there were so many metaphors, yet the meaning was quite hard to get out. But it was wonderful, falling into so many illusions. You did great!

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