I'll make it

by Tracy D Rollings   Aug 10, 2007

I came up in a cruel world of pain
sleeping in the cold standing in the rain

Life wasn't easy never has been
things you did to me you know was a sin.

Couldn't fight you back nor could I run away
stood there and took it what can I say.

My feelings don't matter to you anymore
you would be happy to put me out the door.

Never one kind word did you have to say
wish day and night I didn't have to stay.

The bruises never have time to heal
it hurts so bad can't sit still.

My life has became a living hell
but to look at me you'd never tell.

So I push on and make my way
live in this hell another day.

But someday I'll be free
and you won't remember me.

So hurt me now all you can
if thats what it takes to make you a man.©2007 Tracydr42


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  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Awsome poem!!!!!, like the line:So hurt me now all you can
    if thats what it takes to make you a man.

  • 17 years ago

    by Kelly

    "So I push on and make my way
    live in this hell another day."

    I think this sums up what some people have the unfortunate situation to got through but just keep pushing on. I hope anyone suffering can hopefully see that one day their pain will be over, they should never have to got hrough it in the first place.


  • 17 years ago

    by Sunna Bjorg

    I cant put to words how this poem made me feel it was like something I have been trying for some time to but to words feeling that I have had for some time but you have it all there thank you so much I don't know what else i can say

  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    ItS a guD touchinG onE.... whaT emmA saiD iS truE..... 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Wake

    That was bloody painful.. loved the ending
    a poignant write.. but still i found a piece of inspiration in there..
    a superbly penned piece of art. .Loved it !
