Abuse Story Poem..

by aisyned   Aug 11, 2007

A lil girl being *abused* a little girl being *bruised* a father turning into a *monster* a punching bag being formed out of a *daughter* he's drunk and hits her *brutally* while she screams help an tries 2 fight *forcefully* but daddy always wins his*game* always filling her head with a filthy *name* leaving her bleeding on the *floor* not caring one bit just walking out the *door* she's left 2 make an *exuse* this girls under *abuse* she's too scared to *tell* that she's living in *hell*
~ she walks through the *world* looking like an average *girl* but what happens at home no body *knows* and on an on life still *goes*she walks with bruises and black *eyes* her head filled with horrible *lies* when she gets home the abuse starts *again* all she asks is when will it *end* she's never hurt him and said anything *wrong* she tries to fight dad but he's too *strong* and as she gets beaten to death life drags *on*
~ she sits locked in her *room*waiting for her deadly *doom*her dads at the *bar* but she soon hears his *car*she's frightened and crawls under the *bed*this time she promises herself she's *ahead*but when he find the door locked he screams and knocks it *down*BANG! it fall to the *ground* she jumps startled and see's his eyes red with *hate* she tries to move back but its too *late*
: he yanks her out drags her to the basement locks the *door* slams her hard down onto the cold *floor*
~she's shaking her skin turns *white* she's frozen in *fright* he looks at her with eyes of *evil* she whispers out in a studder"my daddy's the *devil" he hears it and snatches her *up* screams in her face thats is kid your out of *luck* he slams her against the *wall* to weak to stand she begins to *fall* he holds her up and beats her *deadly* she cries yelling "god help*me*" he stops she *falls* heaven soon *calls* part 4..~
~she falls to the floor *weakly* she looks at her daddy *meekly* she's given up too weak to *fight*her eyes can barely stay open she's losing life's *light* tears are pouring out of her blue hazel *eyes* she didnt even shout out her *goodbyes* her dad walks *away* she tells herself he'll *pay* her breathing slows *down*as she lays half dead on the *ground* finally her heart stops *beating* this abused girl finally gives up an stops *breathing* .
~her spirit flies to heaven *tonight* a girl beaten under a basement *light* her dead body still on the *floor* hidden behind a secret *door* she never got a *funeral* only a bag tied shut by her *father* she looks up from heaven at her dad behind a *cell* whispering to herself finally he's in *hell* her wings she never had before are now on her *back* she flies to his cell in a spirit saying here dad take *that* her angel gown still covered in the *blood* her eyes still letting tears *flood
she wonders how her dad was such a *monster* how she was murdered by her own *father* this girl beaten every *night* to weak and scared to *fight* no wings to lift her *up* a girl with no good *luck* afraid of the *world* with everyone thinking she was an average *girl* every one one *bruise* and she hid it with an *excuse* beaten everynight to the *floor* as the dad she called monster walked out the *door*


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  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Wow, creepy thats what i call my "dad"- monster
    but AMAZING poem, many can relate