What's left

by ali   Aug 11, 2007

I'm broken
I'm hollow
I'm a shell and it's all because of you
you have tainted the word love
like a poison killing the hope I had left
you let me fall
you let me want
you let me love you
then you decided no more of this
and walked away with a smile
now I'm left with a heart that can never be whole again
I can't let myself love again-
not if this is the result
I wish you knew
I miss you- even though you hurt me
I love you even though you hate me
I'm sorry this is the way it has ended, I wish it was how it used to be, you will always carry a piece of my heart though you don't realise it. It is always there and the reason I can't love again
is all because of you


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  • 16 years ago

    by LiNa

    Great poem,you will make it through.i know you will.

  • 17 years ago

    by kaida clover

    You have a gift for expression which you portray very well.. I sympathize with your pain.. I have been there myself and its a crappy part of life most of us have to go threw..

  • 17 years ago

    by dAnCe4aDrEaM

    I totally agree with fatima on that last comment! just like she said, i feel like you described my feelings better than i could myself! great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by fatima

    Hey, thats really good, painful but very true. i feel as if you've described my feelings better than i could myself. x x x

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