An Innocent Little Girl

by X Kashies Misery X   Aug 12, 2007

I sit alone on the side of the road,
Watch the tears drip down my drained pale face,
Cry alone and wake up alone,
Got no one who listens and no one who cares,
Everywhere is fake,
I wish I had a home,
I wish I had someone to listen to,
I wish I could look at my reflection and see a grin on my face,
For once I wish I could just be me with out letting everyone down,
I'm such a disgrace,
And when I try to do my very best no one sees and my attempts are knocked and frowned,
But when I don't try everyone picks me out from the crowd,
Forever holding back throbs,
And finally one day I broke down and cried,
I fell to my knees are laid there for hours,
In a ball I don't feel so insecure,
In a ball I feel so innocent,
Like I'm something that someone could adore,
So I laid there as if I wasn't there,
It just kept getting harder and harder to breath this pure air,
So mistreated all this misused trust,
Can't deal with it - enough is enough,
Pull the trigger and I hit the ground,
People just laugh and walk around,
Lying there lifeless,
But on my blue face you see a slight grin,
Was ready to die and hopefully ready to begin...


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  • 17 years ago

    by tAsTeSlIkEsKiTtLeZ

    But on my blue face you see a slight grin,
    Was ready to die and hopefully ready to begin...
    Fricken beautiful!

    that was great not one word can explain how that poem made me felt :)

    1million/5 hehe


  • 17 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Very powerful poem you did an amazzing job it has really good flow!

  • 17 years ago

    by Nicholee

    I loved it
    it was simply deep

  • 17 years ago

    by David

    Title was so enticing, made me want to read this one, the start of this poem was so subtle, yet also so powerful. it was amazing!

    the ending was so perfect, ended it well.

    5/5 david

  • 17 years ago

    by PoEtiCmYme

    This poem stayz deep in ma heart it reali touched me

    u rock do wat u do best

    lovin ur other poems 2