I've come to escape
But somehow can't break
Through this mess I've made
Through the smoke that can no longer fade
I started out so well
Then a lot happened and I fell
I've let a lot of friends down
Broke their trust that is no longer around
How couldn't I of been strong?
And kept my words all along
I guess I am a lost cause
Using drugs will be one of my new flaws
But to go back to the way I was would be wrong
I am a different person now, Who can belong
Everyone likes who I am when I'm in use
Even myself except the fact that it's substance abuse
It may not be the best road to take
But I know I will not regret it or think it was a mistake
Some of my friends think it's not good
But they never listened nor understood
Others think it's good for me
To help me release everything inside to see
That reality isn't something everyone can take in
Ignoring what's going on is real
Because feeling bad for someone else's mistake isn't how I should feel
So if smoking only affects me
Then why can't you just leave me be?