As the Idea Comes to Mind

by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight   Aug 14, 2007

Her whole body hurt as she lays in her bed alone
she feels the cold wind upon her skin
A long bitter night has just began

In her hand she holds a crumpled up photo of what use to be. You hear her cry softly to herself and mumble over again " if only you would have loved me back, then we could be together again" But in her heart she knows, shes never coming back, tonight was their last goodbye.

She feels her heart grow cold, as the anger takes over she body. She throws her arms up and curses at God. Her hands begin to tremble as she tightens her grip on the photo. She blames God and the heavens above for all that she has been through. For taking way the one thing left good in her life.

She throws the photo against the wall in rage wishing she were dead. She falls to the floor as sadness sweeps over her and the anger subsides. Her mind clears a little as the idea forms in her mind....

She needs a release from all this pain and she knows where it is. She gets up and by now the tears have stopped. She face show no emotion as she goes into her bathroom and picks up the her new addiction Tonights the night a new life begins. She put the razor across her wrist and let the pain out on her skin. She is now a cutter with nothing left within. And it was all because of you she life came to an end.....


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  • 17 years ago

    by Danielle

    You are a great poet and i feel your pain..... keep writing... you keep me interested... and i relate.... your poems touch my heart more than my own....

  • 17 years ago

    by foreverISgone

    Really amazing write.. you are really a descriptive writer i love the line "he feels her heart grow cold, as the anger takes over her body..." well awesome poem keep up the great work** 5/5 easily

  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Aww thats really sad, but nothing left within?? it takes great inner strength to be able to feel this pain and cut and write about it - so well done and please write more xxxxxxxxx