She runs

by HisBlueEyedAngel   Aug 15, 2007

She is hiding in the shadowns
so no one can see her their
waiting for the perfect time
to run out the door.

She waits till every one
is sleeping hard in their
warm beds before she starts
to walk to the front door
with all her stuff packed in
her backpack.

Every one is asleep and she
is walking blowing a kiss as
she leaves out the door.

She is out the door now
knowing that no one know's
that she is even gone.

She is running as fast as she
can out of her little town
getting ready to hop in the
next car that goes by so
she can get as far away
as she can.

She know's that they all
will miss her but she can't
stand being their anymore.

Now she is far far away
never going back or even
looking back.

Her world starts a new.

(This is not true but just something I made up hope you like it.)


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